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Performed by me...



On this group of pages, you will find my personal and school works.

Duel - Mégane Nolip

Sound design exercise, 2013 October.

Instructions : "Duel between a hormone and a doubt".

=> In 1"30 min.

Duel between a hormone and a doubt

Metal - Mégane Nolip

Sound design exercise, 2013 October.

Instructions : "Sound creation from this worlds : railways, distant horizon, metal, big machine, cauldron".
=> In 1 minute.

The iron machine on railways

Climbing Wall - Mégane Nolip

Sound design exercise, 2013 November.

Instructions : "Sound creation from photos representing an intriguing climbing wall, which forms disturbing faces".
=> In 1"30 minute.

The scary climbing wall

Stones - Mégane Nolip

Sound design exercise, 2013 November.

Instructions : "Sound creation from photos of stones in the nature, which are quite disturbing".
=> In 1"30 minute.

Disturbing stones

Techno Venus - Mégane Nolip

Sound design exercise, 2014 February.

Instructions : "Create a techno music which represents the planet Venus".
=> In 2 minutes.

Techno music from Venus

Worlds - Mégane Nolip

Impossible worlds

Sound design exercise, 2014 February.

Instructions : "Sound creation which represents an impossible world imagine by students".


The world on which I had to work was a world where the space and the earth were reversed every 24 hours. The sun died by creating several small suns which were going to illuminate other galaxies. However, one day, one of the small suns refused its mission, what created a revolt of the inhabitants. At the end, this sun decides to make them live a nightmare by enlightening that very quickly their earth as a stromboscope.
=> In 1"30 minute.

Techno India - Mégane Nolip

Sound design exercise, 2014 February.

Instructions : "Create a techno music which represents India".
=> In 2 minutes.

India techno music

In Lost Wood - Mégane Nolip

Creative exercise, 2014 January.

Instructions : "Lost in the middle of nowhere, you are invaded by your feelings, suddenly, you find yourselves in front of your biggest phobia. You have difficulty in finding this sound antidote never found, the result is improbable ! ".

=> In 1 minute.


Thinking in lost woods

Ernst in music - Mégane Nolip

Ernst in music

Sound design exercise, 2014 April.

Instructions : "Create a music by looking at this Ernst's paint".
=> In 1"30 minute.

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